September is Blood Cancer Awareness Month, and as such, The Fifth Direction is hosting a ‘Meditation as Medicine’ workshop with Asher Packman. This event is open to everyone facing health challenges, their carers, family and close friends. You are also welcome to join us if you are simply curious about the latest research regarding the benefits of meditation when it comes to chronic illness, as well as to discover and practice meditation techniques for healing.
Asher is well-placed to lead such a session. His journey with blood cancer informs his own practice and work. He fully understands the broad range of life issues surrounding a chronic health diagnosis.
All proceeds will go to the MPNAA
Date: Thursday, September 19, 2019
Time: 7:00pm–8:30pm
Venue: The Fifth Direction, 82 St Kilda Rd, St Kilda
Cost: Donation to MPNAA at the door appreciated
Bookings: meditation workshop