Leukaemia Foundation online support groups
These free online groups run by the Leukaemia Foundation are a wonderful source of support and sharing of knowledge.
Topics vary each month and the Leukaemia Foundation usually runs several different groups:
- a general blood cancer group
- a mens’ group
- a young adults’ group
- a carers’ group
Numbers are limited so it’s important to register early.
The topic for March is Managing fatigue.
‘Cancer-related fatigue is a common experience for people living with blood cancer. It’s important to understand what causes it and how it differs from general fatigue. Apart from the obvious physical impact on everyday life, it can also affect mental health and functioning. During this session, we explore expectations & understanding of fatigue, management strategies and where to seek professional support. Together, we will share our personal experience, knowledge and resources to assist one another in managing fatigue.’
Dates are as follows:
Date | Time | Topic | Group |
28 March | 1.00-2.30 | Managing fatigue | Blood cancer patients |
To book, please visit the Leukaemia Foundation website under their EVENTS tab.