The Leukaemia Foundation is running a webinar about ‘Creating meaning in the face of uncertainty’.
‘Major life changes can bring into focus what is important in life, what matters most and what brings relief & joy. However, it can also give rise to the fear of having little or no life purpose and meaning, especially in the face of blood cancer.
Research has found that the presence of meaning in a person’s life increases its quality and, in the setting of cancer can be predictive of wellbeing.
In this webinar, the presenter will explore how to create meaning in your life in the face of uncertainty when living with a blood cancer / disorder.’
To register for the webinar, please see HERE.
The guest speaker is Dr Carrie Lethborg, (Cancer Social Worker, Senior Lecturer & Researcher, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne / University of Tasmania).
There will be opportunity for participants to ask questions during the webinar. You can also pre-submit questions during registration or by emailing