Follow Up – Pegasys® on the PBS for MPN

Dear MPN Community,

I received a letter from Professor Andrew Wilson, Chair of the PBAC, in response to my submission requesting Pegasys® (Interferon Alfa-2A) listing on the PBS for MPN.

Professor Wilson stated he and his PBAC colleagues agree there is a need for interferon based therapies in MPN treatment in Australia. He said however, the PBAC cannot recommend a drug to the Health Minister for PBS listing until the manufacturer/sponsor of that drug:
1) Applies for Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approval for the drug for the particular indication (in this case MPN); and,
2) Puts in a submission to the PBAC for PBS listing of the drug (for that indication), with supporting clinical data.
To date, Roche has not applied for TGA listing of Pegasys® for MPN or lodged a submission to the PBAC asking to have Pegasys® listed on the PBS for MPN.

As recommended by Professor Wilson, I have contacted Roche regarding the two points above and the Department of Health has done the same. I have also contacted Rare Cancers Australia on this issue and they have offered to help follow up with Roche. I will keep you informed when I hear any further developments.

Best wishes to all,
Nathalie Cook

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