It is very important for MPN patients to maintain good cardiovascular health and keep cholesterol under control.

Canberra MPN walking group meets every week.
Cardiovascular issues for PV patients
A detailed 2023 article from Italian haematologists outlined a number of cardiovascular issues for PV patients. Titled Diagnosis and management of cardiovascular risk factors in patients with polycythemia vera, it explains that modifying the cardiovascular risk profile in PV patients includes lifestyle modifications and pharmaceutical management of arterial hypertension and dyslipidemias (Dyslipidemia is elevation of plasma cholesterol, triglycerides, or both, or a low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol HDL level).
Australian Heart Foundation information about improving cardiovascular health
The Australian Heart Foundation has information at the links below about what is important for good cardiovascular health:
Are you at risk of heart disease?
The Australian Heart Foundation has further patient information available in several languages. The full selection can be accessed HERE.