MPN Horizons Conference for patients 2023 – videos available
Every year, the international MPN Advocates Network holds an MPN patient conference featuring many international MPN experts discussing the latest developments in MPN management.
The videos include:
- New Challenges in Diagnosing MPN
- Diagnostic Criteria for ET, PV & MF, biological aspects
- New learnings in diagnostics, CHIP
- How does a genetic understanding of MPNs affect prognosis for patients? Prognosis between ET, PV & MF
- The Complexity and Combinations in Treating MPNs
- PV – What is the current standard of treatment?
- MF – Combinations in treatment
- ET – The future of treatment
- Cardiovascular risk factors in MPN patients
- Special Problems in MPNs
- The growing complexity of MPN mutations
- How to talk to patients about MPN?
- Special cases: skin cancers & thrombosis
All these videos as well as fascinating discussions about MPN advocacy and Q&A sessions are available HERE.
With thanks to the MPN Advocates Network.