MPN Patient Information Afternoon – Sydney – 23 February 2019
MPN AA and the Leukaemia Foundation collaborated to stage this very successful MPN patient information event at Royal North Shore Hospital in Sydney, attended by 60 patients and family members.
MPN AA is very grateful on behalf of MPN patients for the great job done by Greg Zotos from the Leukaemia Foundation, and also Madeline Thompson on the day.
The presentations were great – firstly Dr Renee Eslick spoke very informatively about “Diagnosis of MPN”. Sue McConaghy, psychologist, spoke on the topic “This is Not the Life I Ordered”, providing ideas about tools we could use to help manage unwelcome and unplanned events in our lives – relevant to all of us at times! We then broke for a lovely afternoon tea, and reconvened to hear Dr Carmel Sullivan speak about how yoga could enhance our physical and mental health and quality of life. Dr Cecily Forsyth followed, and spoke on the topic “Optimal Management of MPN in Australia”, about the latest research on how MPN patients should be managed, going through the 3 main MPN subtypes in order, but acknowledging the shades of grey that exist, and the need to treat each patient as an individual.
Patients seemed to be very engaged, and there was lots of chat in the afternoon tea break, and also some constructive to and fro between patients during the question time.
The presentations were great – firstly Dr Renee Eslick spoke very informatively about “Diagnosis of MPN”. Sue McConaghy, psychologist, spoke on the topic “This is Not the Life I Ordered”, providing ideas about tools we could use to help manage unwelcome and unplanned events in our lives – relevant to all of us at times! We then broke for a lovely afternoon tea, and reconvened to hear Dr Carmel Sullivan speak about how yoga could enhance our physical and mental health and quality of life. Dr Cecily Forsyth followed, and spoke on the topic “Optimal Management of MPN in Australia”, about the latest research on how MPN patients should be managed, going through the 3 main MPN subtypes in order, but acknowledging the shades of grey that exist, and the need to treat each patient as an individual.
Patients seemed to be very engaged, and there was lots of chat in the afternoon tea break, and also some constructive to and fro between patients during the question time.
Videos of the two haematology presentations by Dr Eslick and Dr Forsyth are available for viewing on our MPN Video Presentations page.
Full details of the patient information afternoon, including powerpoint presentations from all the talks are available HERE.