Optimal care pathways now available for MPNs

An illustration of two people embracing, with the text Optimal Care Pathways for patients and loved ones over the top.

The Leukaemia Foundation and Cancer Council have just released Optimal Care Pathways for Myeloproliferative Neoplasms.

Optimal Care Pathways (OCPs) are trusted guides that describe what optimal care for a particular type of cancer should look like. They put the patient at the centre of care decisions.

Covering every step from prevention and early detection through to recovery, living with a chronic disease, or end-of-life-care, they aim to improve patient outcomes through promoting quality cancer care and ensuring that all people diagnosed with cancer receive the best care, irrespective of where they live or receive cancer treatment.

Optimal Care Pathways can guide, support and inform increased collaboration, more effective care, improved healthcare provider–patient communication and patient experience. They have been signed off by state and territory governments.

Each OCP is made up of three documents:
1. The full OCP, a detailed and technical document outlining the pathways and timelines that define optimal care for someone diagnosed with this particular type of blood cancer (for healthcare professional use);
2. A short quick reference guide which summarises the OCP (for healthcare professional use); and
3. Your guide to best cancer care, a version of the OCP specifically designed for patients, carers and their families.

Who are Optimal Care Pathways for?
The OCPs are for healthcare professionals, patients, carers, and anyone affected by cancer or involved in cancer care.
The Leukaemia Foundation advises that OCPs should be read and understood by all healthcare professionals involved in cancer care – haematologists, oncologists, radiologists, surgeons, general practitioners, allied health professionals, nurses and cancer service managers, and trainees.

OCPs for MPN patients titled ‘Your guide to best cancer care’ are available in English for download HERE.
OCPs for MPN patients in several languages are available for download HERE.*
(*click on the grey shaded box that says PDF available for download in your language.)

OCPs for healthcare professionals are available for download HERE.

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