Some useful links to MPN information resources, guidelines and detailed research articles are provided below.

All MPNs

Thrombosis and MPNs

MPNs and inflammation

Women and MPNs

Essential thrombocythemia (ET) specific information

Polycythemia Vera (PV) specific information

Myelofibrosis (MF) specific information

Myelofibrosis Stem Cell Transplant information


Blood tests, bone marrow biopsies and MPN morphology 

Genetics Information

Pediatric and Young Adult MPNs


Thrombosis and MPNs

MPNs and inflammation

Women and MPNs

Essential thrombocythemia (ET) specific information

Polycythemia Vera (PV) specific information

Myelofibrosis (MF) specific information

Myelofibrosis Stem Cell Transplant information


  • FACT SHEETS are provided on all the main treatments available for Australian MPN patients. These are available in several languages.
  • Articles on MPN treatment – this link includes:
    – a conversation with an MPN specialist about how interferons work in MPN patients,
    – comparison studies of interferon and hydroxyurea,
    – efficacy and safety of myelofibrosis treatments,
    – clinical trial outcomes from Australia and overseas, and
    – new developments for myelofibrosis treatments.

Blood tests, bone marrow biopsies and MPN morphology

Genetics Information

Links to information on various genetic mutations

Pediatric and Young Adult MPNs


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