Fedratinib for myelofibrosis? Call for submissions

At its meeting in May this year, Australia’s Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) will consider a listing of fedratinib (Inrebic ®) onto the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) for the treatment of patients with intermediate-2/high-risk myelofibrosis.

To help consider the merits of this proposal for fedratinib (Inrebic ®), the PBAC would like to learn more about myelofibrosis patients’ experience of their disease: symptom burden, treatment, side effects, how patients manage in their daily lives, impact on work, and so on.

The availability of this drug would be a welcome development for myelofibrosis patients.  Currently there is only one Jak inhibitor, ruxolitinib (Jakavi ®), on the PBS for myelofibrosis.

For myelofibrosis patients with anaemia, momelotinib has recently been recommended to government by the PBAC for inclusion on the PBS (although there are more processes to still be considered by government before it may be approved).

Fedratinib, if also recommended by the PBAC and then approved by government, would be an extremely useful addition to the small number of options haematologists have to treat myelofibrosis. Overseas experience indicates that fedratinib is particularly useful in MF patients with low platelets.


The MPN AA is very supportive of fedratinib (Inrebic ®) being made available to patients on the PBS. It could provide an important treatment option for myelofibrosis patients, especially those with low platelets.

If you have myelofibrosis, please consider making a submission. Or equally providing input to the MPN AA to include in our submission.
Here is a link to the PBAC website where you can make a submission for the inclusion of fedratinib (Inrebic ®)onto the PBS.

At that link, the PBAC has attached a document that clearly sets out what type of information they are seeking from you.  That document is called ‘Copy of public consultation survey for items to be considered by the PBAC (May 2025)’ and we found it helpful to read through that document before completing the survey.

If you’d like some help or to discuss this process with the MPN AA, please don’t hesitate to contact us at mpnaa@mpnallianceaustralia.org.au.

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